MUSE delle Scienze in Trento

We visited the museum of science. It is called MUSE and it is in Trento, north of Italy. It was about nature, evolution of humanity and earth, animals, and global warming. The museum has six floors:

First floor: the history of life:

We saw dinosaurs, the human history and its evolution (Homo erectus, Neanderthal, Homo sapiens…) We saw the evolution of the height of our ancestors, that they were really small compared to us. We also saw the evolution of the human brain and the skeleton of dinosaurs.

Second floor: Interactive science

On this floor we could find games called hand of science. The muse offers funny games, there was optical effects, intelligence games, puzzles, whirlwind simulation with water and reflex tests as well.

Third floor: Our origins

Here we saw open labs with a 3D printer. We could examine the way Neanderthals lived, their tools and how they used fire to create their tools with minerals. It was really interesting because we learnt how our ancestors were living without our comfortable lives in 2021. We also liked that there was representations of Neanderthals which were realistic and some of the tools exposed look a little bit like our tools now.

Fourth floor: The power of nature

There we could gain some knowledge on geology, mining and environmental risks. This floor tells much information about global warming, raising of sea level and ice melting. And also how mountains are created with sedimentary rocks. We saw also minerals and deforestation. We learnt that the fact that water level is raising because of the sedimentary rocks formation and not only with melting glaciers. Sometimes, when there is a city and people with the melting glacier, there are big risks in the way that the city could be destroyed. But there is a solution: dam.

Fifth floor: Lower Alpine regions

There was a floor about the alpine nature (flowers, mosquitos, alpine animals). We discovered some flowers species and alpine animals and their way of living which was interesting.

Sixth floor: The peaks

There was a floor about high peaks which was showing glacier, their melting, and some alpinist stuff.  It was extraordinarily interesting that the floors followed the levels of fauna and vegetation. On the top of the building was also a terrace with a beautiful view of Trento and the mountains.


To conclude, we liked a lot the visit, we learnt some pieces of information about human history, earth creation and global warming. The museum was really beautiful with all the animals in the middle of each floors and the view at the last floor was just amazing. It was worth visiting.

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